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RESIDENT [command1] [command2] ...
* RESIDENT allows you load commands into memory, such that they
will execute immediately, rather than be loaded from disk all the
time. The benefit of RESIDENT over saving commands on the RAM:
disk is that only one copy of the command is in memory all the
time. RAM: based commands will use up twice as much memory when
the command is being executed.
* The limitation of RESIDENT is that only certain commands will
work. Generally, all commands which have their PURE bit (see
PROTECT ) set can be made RESIDENTABLE. However, RESIDENT
does not check whether the PURE bit is set before loading, and
hence you can try out commands to see if they work. They'll
always work the first time. Its only when executing the 2nd
time that the Amiga will likely crash.
Note: Crunched programs will most likely not work.
* Typing RESIDENT with no parameters will show the current list
of resident commands:
ADRESS is useful for programmers
USECOUNT says how many times it is used right now
ROM internal residents have negative values
NAME means the name (hard to guess :)
* Typing one or more command names after RESIDENT will make those
commands resident. ZShell will search the command search path
to try and find them.
eg. resident c/list c/cd c/date c/avail
resident ed